Professor CHEUNG Ka Shing, Michael

Clinical Associate Professor
- MBBS(HK) MD(HK) MPH(HK) MRCP(UK) FRCP(Edin) FRCP(Glasgow) FHKCP FHKAM (Medicine) | |
2255-6979 | |
HKU Scholars Hub |
Biography 傳記
Prof Michael Ka Shing Cheung graduated from The University of Hong Kong in 2008, and received his Fellowship in Gastroenterology and Hepatology from the Hong Kong College of Physicians in 2015 and Fellowship from the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh in 2021 and Royal College of Physicians of Glasgow in 2022. He obtained his Master of Public Health degree with distinction in 2016 and Doctor of Medicine degree (with Sir Patrick Manson Gold Medal) in 2020. He is currently the Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. He is also the associate consultant in the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen, China, and honorary associate consultant in Queen Mary Hospital. Prof Cheung’s research interests are gastrointestinal (including gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer) and hepato-bilio-pancreatic oncology (including liver cancer, gallbladder cancer, bile duct cancer and pancreatic cancer), gut microbiota, fecal microbiota transplantation, gastrointestinal bleeding, inflammatory bowel disease, liver diseases (including hepatitis B virus, fatty liver, cirrhosis, liver cancer) and COVID-19 disease. He is experienced in various kinds of study design including randomized controlled trial, prospective cohort study, and retrospective cohort study (with particular focus on Big Data analysis). He has published more than 160 top international peer-reviewed journal articles since 2016 (with an h-index of 41 and over 7500 cumulative citations), including first- or corresponding-authored articles in Gastroenterology (impact factor 25.7), Gut (impact factor 23), Diabetes Care (impact factor 14.8), Clinical and Molecular Hepatology (impact factor 14), Canadian Medical Association Journal (impact factor 12.3), Liver Cancer (impact factor 11.6), Journal of the National Cancer Institute (impact factor 9.9), Hypertension (impact factor 6.9), Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics (impact factor 6.6), Liver International (impact factor 6.0), Cancer (impact factor 6.1), International Journal of Cancer (impact factor 5.7) and Frontiers in Immunology (impact factor 5.7). He was invited to deliver 70 presentations (including plenary oral sessions) and lectures at international and local conferences and institutions. He currently serves as an Editorial Board member in Scientific Reports, PLOS One, and Artificial Intelligence in Gastroenterology. He has been invited to be the reviewer of 22 international journals including The Lancet, Journal of Hepatology, Gastroenterology, Gut, eClinicalMedicine, Clinical and Molecular Hepatology, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, British Journal of Cancer, Hepatology International, Microbes and Infection, Gut Pathogens and Helicobacter.
Prof. Cheung was awarded the Professor Anthony Hedley Prize in Public Health for the highest place (with distinction in both written exam and thesis) in 2016 and the Sir Patrick Manson Gold Medal for his Doctor of Medicine in 2020. He received Asia Pacific Digestive Week Federation-Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation (APDWF-JGHF) Emerging Leader Lectureship award in 2023, Best Abstract Presentation Prize at United European Gastroenterology Week in 2024, Travel Grant Award at United European Gastroenterology Week in 2022 and 2024, National Scholar Award at United European Gastroenterology Week in 2021, Travel Grant Award at United European Gastroenterology Week in 2019 and 2024, APDWF-JGHF Young Investigator’s Award at Asian Pacific Digestive Week in 2017, Distinguished Research Paper Award for Young Investigator (2018 with Gold Medal Award, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022) from the Hong Kong College of Physicians, Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award (2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021) from the University of Hong Kong, Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award from the University of Hong Kong (2018), Best Abstract Award in Clinical Medicine in Medical Research Conference from the University of Hong Kong (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2023) as well as multiple other awards for abstract presentation in local and overseas conferences.
Prof. Cheung received the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) from the Research Grant Council, the Government of HKSAR to conduct a research investigating the epidemiology, risk factors and chemopreventive agents of postcolonoscopy colorectal cancer in Hong Kong. He also received another HMRF to conduct a research investigating the epidemiology and risk factors of major osteoporotic fracture after Helicobacter pylori eradication and its interaction with proton pump inhibitors on fracture risk. In addition, he received an HMRF to conduct a commissioned research to investigate the role of gut microbiota in COVID-19 vaccine immunogenicity and adverse events.
Prof Cheung was also the awardee of the Clinical Research Fellowship Programme and received the General Research Fund (GRF) from the Research Grant Council, the Government of HKSAR to conduct a 2-year project (2021-2022) which is a randomized controlled trial on treating fatty liver disease. In addition, he received another GRF to conduct a 3-year project (2022-2024) for a randomized controlled trial on preventing fibrosis and cirrhosis progression in chronic hepatitis B patients. He also received Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) from the Innovation and Technology Commission for manufacturing a novel biodegradable endoclip for enodoscopic procedures (including hemostasis and closure of mucosal wound defects) in collaboration with the Peking University.
張嘉盛教授於2008年畢業於香港大學,並於 2015 年獲得香港內科醫學院腸胃及肝臟科院士,並且在 2021 年獲得英國愛丁堡皇家內科醫學院院士資格及2022 年獲得英國格拉斯哥皇家內科醫學院院士資格。他於 2016 年以第一名的成績獲得公共衛生碩士學位和Professor Anthony Hedley Prize in Public Health,並於 2020 年以第一名的成績獲得醫學博士學位和Sir Patrick Manson Gold Medal。張嘉盛教授現任香港大學醫學系臨床副教授。同時,他也是中國香港大學深圳醫院的名譽顧問醫生,以及香港瑪麗醫院的名譽顧問醫生。張教授的研究興趣為胃腸道腫瘤(包括胃癌、大腸癌、食道癌)和肝膽胰腫瘤(包括肝癌、膽囊癌、膽管癌和胰腺癌)、腸道菌群、糞便微生物移植、胃腸道出血、炎症性腸病、肝病(包括乙型肝炎病毒、脂肪肝、肝硬化、肝癌)和 2019新冠肺炎。他在各種研究設計方面有豐富的經驗,包括隨機對照試驗、前瞻性隊列研究和回顧性隊列研究(特別專注大數據分析)。自 2016 年以來,張教授以第一作者或通訊作者的身份發表了超過 160 篇頂尖國際同行評審期刊文章(h-index 41, 論文累計引用次數多於7500次),其中包括 Gastroenterology(影響因子 25.7)、Gut(影響因子 23)、Diabetes Care(影響因子 14.8)、Clinical and Molecular Hepatology(影響因子 14)、Canadian Medical Association Journal(影響因子 12.3)、Liver Cancer(影響因子 11.6)、Journal of the National Cancer Institute(影響因子 9.9)、Hypertension(影響因子 6.9)、Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics(影響因子 6.6)、Liver International (影響因子 6.0) 、Cancer (影響因子 6.1) 、International Journal of Cancer(影響因子 5.7)和 Frontiers in Immunology(影響因子 5.7)。除此之外, 張教授也被受邀到國際和本地會議和機構發表演講(包括口頭全體會議)和講座共70次。他目前擔任Scientific Reports、PLOS One 和Artificial Intelligence in Gastroenterology的編委, 也受邀擔任 The Lancet、Journal of Hepatology、Gastroenterology、Gut、eClinicalMedicine、Clinical and Molecular Hepatology、Clinical Gastroenterology & Hepatology、Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics、British Journal of Cancer、Hepatology International、Microbe and Infection 、Gut Pathogens和Helicobacter等 22種國際期刊的審稿人。
張教授於 2016 年獲頒 Professor Anthony Hedley 公共衛生第一獎,並於 2020 年獲頒 Sir Patrick Manson 醫學博士金獎。他還獲得2023 年亞太消化週(Asia Pacific Digestive Week)APDWF-JGHF (Asia Pacific Digestive Week Federation-Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation) 新興領袖講座獎、2024 年歐洲消化疾病週(United European Gastroenterology Week)最佳摘要演講獎、2022和2024 年歐洲消化疾病週(United European Gastroenterology Week)口頭摘要演講旅遊經費獎、2021 年 歐洲消化疾病週(United European Gastroenterology Week)國家學者獎、2019 年和和2024年歐洲消化疾病週(United European Gastroenterology Week)口頭摘要演講旅遊經費獎、2017 年亞太消化週(Asia Pacific Digestive Week)APDWF-JGHG 青年研究員獎第一名、香港內科醫學院青年研究員傑出研究論文獎(2018 年金獎,2019 年、2020 年和 2021 年)、香港大學學院傑出研究成果獎(2018、2019、2020和2021年),香港大學學院知識交流獎(2018年),香港大學醫學研究會議最佳摘要獎(2018 年、2019 年、2020 年、2021 年和 2022 年)以及多個其他在本地和海外會議上發表摘要的獎項。
張教授獲得香港特別行政區政府研究資助局的健康及醫學研究基金(Health and Medical Research Fund, 簡稱HMRF),以進行一項研究,調查香港結腸鏡檢查後大腸癌的流行病學、危險因素和預防藥物。他還獲得了另一個 HMRF研究基金,以開展一項研究, 調查幽門螺桿菌根除後主要骨質疏鬆性骨折的流行病學和危險因素及其與質子泵抑製劑對骨折風險的相互作用。此外,他還接受了 HMRF 委託進行一項關於腸道微生物群在新冠肺炎疫苗免疫原性和不良事件中的作用的研究。
張教授也是臨床研究獎學金計劃的獲得者,並獲得香港特別行政區政府研究資助局的研究基金(General Research Fund, 簡稱GRF)。這是一項為期兩年的項目(2021-2022),以隨機對照試驗探索關於脂肪肝的治療。此外,他還接受了另一項 GRF研究基金,以開展一項為期 3 年的項目(2022-2024 年),以預防慢性乙型肝炎患者纖維化和肝硬化進展的隨機對照試驗。張教授也獲得創新科技委員會頒發的創新科技基金(Innovation and Technology Fund , 簡稱ITF),以開展一項為期 2 年的項目(2024-2025 年),與北京大學合作研發用於內窺鏡手術的新型可生物降解內夾,用於治療腸道出血及封閉腸道黏膜傷口
Research Profile 研究範疇
- Epidemiology and prevention of gastrointestinal and hepato-bilio-pancreatic cancers 胃癌、大腸癌、食道癌的流行病學和預防
- Epidemiology and prevention of hepato-bilio-pancreatic cancers 肝癌、膽管癌、膽囊癌、胰臟癌的流行病學和預防
- Helicobacter pylori infection幽門螺桿菌感染
- Inflammatory bowel disease 炎症性腸病
- Liver diseases including hepatitis B virus infection, fatty liver and liver cancer 乙肝病毒感染、脂肪肝、肝癌等肝病
- Gastrointestinal bleeding 胃腸道出血
- Gut microbiota 腸道菌群
- Fecal microbiota transplantation腸道微生物移植
- COVID-19 disease 2019冠狀病毒病
Selected Publications 以第一作者身份著述的國際期刊文章
- Cheung KS, Hung IF, Leung WK. Association between famotidine use and COVID-19 severity in Hong Kong. Gastroenterology 2021;160:1898-1899 (impact factor 25.7)
- Cheung KS,* Hung IF,* Chan PP, et al. Gastrointestinal manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection and virus load in fecal samples from the Hong Kong cohort and systematic review and meta-analysis. Gastroenterology 2020;159:81-95 (impact factor 25.7) *co-first authorship
- Leung WK, Wong IOL, Cheung KS, et al. Effects of Helicobacter pylori Treatment on Incidence of Gastric Cancer in Older Individuals. Gastroenterology 2018;155:67-75 (impact factor 25.7)
- Tan JT, Mao X, Cheng HM, Seto WK, Leung WK,* Cheung KS.* Aspirin was associated with lower risk of pancreatic cancer and cancer-related mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus. Gut 2024 [in press] (impact factor 23.0) *co-corresponding authorship
- Mao X, Cheung KS,* Tan JT …, Seto WK.* Optimal glycaemic control and the reduced risk of colorectal adenoma and acncer in patients with diabetes: a population-based cohort study. Gut 2024 [in press] (impact factor 23.0) *co-corresponding authorship
- Cheung KS, Chen L, Chan EW, et al. Statins reduce the progression of non-advanced adenomas to colorectal cancer: a postcolonoscopy study in 187897 patients. Gut 2019;68:1979-1985 (impact factor 23.0)
- Cheung KS, Chan EW, Wong AYS, et al. Long-term proton pump inhibitors and risk of gastric cancer development after treatment for Helicobacter pylori: A population-based study. Gut 2018;67:28-35 (impact factor 23.0)
- Cheung KS, Chan EW, Chen L, et al. Diabetes increases risk of gastric cancer after Helicobacter pylori eradication: a territory-wide study with propensity score analysis. Diabetes
Care 2019;42:1769-1775 (impact factor 14.8) - Cheung KS,* Lam LK,* Hui RWH, et al. Effect of moderate-to-severe hepatic steatosis on neutralising antibody response among BNT162b2 and CoronaVac recipients. Clin Mol Hepatol 2022;28:533-564 (impact factor 14) *co-first authorship
- Cheung KS,* Chiu HM,* Mao X, et al. COVID-19 vaccine immunogenicity among chronic liver disease patients and liver transplant recipients: a meta-analysis. Clin Mol Hepatol 2022;28:890-911b (impact factor 14) *co-first authorship
- Cheung KS, Ng HY, Hui RWH, et al. Effects of empagliflozin on liver fat in metabolic-dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease patients without diabetes mellitus: a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial. Hepatology 2024 [in press] (impact factor 12.9)
- Cheung KS, Hung IF, Leung WK. Association between angiotensin blockade and COVID-19 severity in Hong Kong. CMAJ 2020;192:E635 (impact factor 12.3)
- Cheung KS,* Li B,* Wong IYH, et al. Benefit and harm of aspirin on mortality from gastrointestinal cancers versus bleeding in Helicobacter pylori-eradicated patients. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2024 [in press] (impact factor 11.6) *co-first authorship
- Cheung KS, Lam LK, Seto WK, et al. Use of antibiotics during immune checkpoint inhibitors associates with lower survival in hepatocellcular carcinoma. Liver Cancer 2021;10:606-614. (impact factor 11.6)
- Cheung KS, Chan EW, Wong AYS, et al. Metformin use and gastric cancer risk in diabetic patients after Helicobacter pylori eradication. J Natl Cancer Inst 2019;111:484-489 (impact factor 9.9)
- Cheung KS, Chan EW, Wong AYS, et al. Aspirin and Risk of Gastric Cancer After Helicobacter pylori Eradication: A Territory-Wide Study. J Natl Cancer Inst 2018;110:743-749 (impact factor 9.9)
- Cheung KS, Chan EW, Wong AYS, et al. ACE (Angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers are associated with lower colorectal cancer risk: a territory-wide study with propensity score analysis. Hypertension 2020;76:968-975 (impact factor 6.9)
- Mao X, Cheung KS,* Tan JT …, Seto WK.* Glycemic control is a modifiable risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma and liver-related mortality in patients with diabetes. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2024 [in press] (impact factor 6.6) *co-corresponding authorship
- Cheung KS, Chen L, Chan EW, et al. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs but not aspirin are associated with a lower risk of post-colonoscopy colorectal cancer. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2020;51:899-908 (impact factor 6.6)
- Li B*, Cheung KS*, Wong IYH, et al. Non-aspirin non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and gastric cancer risk after Helicobacter pylori eradication: a territory-wide study. Cancer 2021;127:1805-1815 (impact factor 6.1) *co-first authorship
- Ng HY, Zhang L, Tan JT, Hui RWH, Yuen MF, Seto WK,* Leung WK,* Cheung KS.* Gut microbiota predicts treatment response to empagliflozin among MASLD patients without diabetes mellitus. Liver Int 2025 [in press] (impact factor 6.0) * co-corresponding authorship
- Cheung KS, Mak LY, Lam LK, et al. Statins associate with better clinical outcomes in chronic hepatitis B patients with HBsAg seroclearance. Hepatol Int 2021;15:881-891 (impact factor 5.9)
- Cheung KS, Seto WK, Lai CL, et al. Prevention and management of hepatitis B virus reactivation in cancer patients. Hepatol Int 2016;10:407-14 (impact factor 5.9)
- Ng HY, Liao Y, Cheung CL, Zhang R, Chan KH, Seto WK, Leung WK, Hung IFN,* Lam TTY,* Cheung KS.* Gut microbiota is associated with persistence of longer-term vaccine immunogenicity after two doses of BNT162b2. Front Immunol 2025 [in press] (impact factor 5.7) * co-corresponding authorship
- Li B*, Cheung KS*, Wong IYH, et al. Calcium channel blockers are associated with lower gastric cancer risk: a territory-wide study with propensity score analysis. Int J Cancer 2021;148:2148-2157 (impact factor 5.7) *co-first authorship
- Zhang L, Tan JT, Ng HY …, Cheung KS.* Baseline gut microbiota was associated with long-term immune response at one year following three doses of BNT162b2. Vaccines 2024 [in press] (impact factor 5.2) *corresponding authorship
- Ng HY, Liao Y, Zhang R, Chan KH, Seto WK, Leung WK, Hung IFN,* Cheung KS.* Predictive values of gut microbiota composition for sustained immunogenicity following two doses of CoronaVac. Vaccines [in press] (impact factor 5.2) *co-corresponding authorship
- Zhang L, Tan JT, Ng HY …, Cheung KS.* Association between gut microbiota composition and long-term vaccine immunogenicity following three doses of CoronaVac. Vaccines 2024:12(365) (impact factor 5.2) *corresponding authorship
- Cheung KS,* Yan VKC,* Lam LK, et al. Antibiotic use prior to COVID-19 vaccine is associated with higher risk of COVID-19 and adverse outcomes: a propensity-scored matched territory-wide cohort. Vaccines 2023;11:1341 (impact factor 5.2) *co-first authorship
- Cheung KS,* Lam LK,* Mao X, et al. Effect of moderate to severe hepatic steatosis on vaccine immunogenicity against wild-type and mutant virus and COVID-19 infection among BNT162b2 recipients. Vaccines (Basel) 2023;11:497 (impact factor 5.2) *co-first authorship
- Cheung KS, Lam LK, Zhang R, et al. Association between recent usage of antibiotics and immunogenicity within six months after COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccines (Basel) 2022;10:1122 (impact factor 5.2)
- Ng HY, Liao Y, Zhang R, Chan KH, To WP, Hui CH, Seto WK, Leung WK, Hung IFN, Lam TTY,* Cheung KS.* The predictive value of gut microbiota composition for sustained immunogenicity following two doses of CoronaVac. Int J Mol Sci 2024 [in press] (impact factor 4.9) *co-corresponding authorship
- Ng HY, Leung WK,* Cheung KS.* Antibiotic resistance, susceptibility testing and stewardship in Helicobacter pylori infection. Int J Mol Sci 2023;24L11708 (impact factor 4.9) *co-corresponding authorship
- Cheung KS,* Lyu T, Deng Z …, Seto WK.* Vonoprazan dual or triple therapy versus bismuth-quadruple therapy as first-line therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection: a three-arm, randomized clinical trial. Helicobacter 2024 [in press] (impact factor 4.3) *co-corresponding authorship
- Cheung KS, Seto WK, Leung WK. Application of Big Data analysis in gastrointestinal research. World J Gastroenterol 2019;25:2990-3008 (impact factor 4.3)
- Cheung KS, Seto WK, Fung J, et al. Prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma development by aminotransferase to platelet ratio index in primary biliary cholangitis. World J Gastroenterol 2017;23:7863-7874 (impact factor 4.3)
- Cheung KS, Seto WK, Fung J, et al. Epidemiology and natural history of Wilson's disease in the Chinese: A territory-based study in Hong Kong between 2000 and 2016. World J Gastroenterol 2017;23:7716-7726 (impact factor 4.3)
- Cheung KS, Leung WK. Gastrointestinal bleeding in patients on novel oral anticoagulants: Risk, prevention and management. World J Gastroenterol 2017;23:1954-1963 (impact factor 4.3)
- Lyu T, Cheung KS,* Deng Z, et al. Whole genome sequencing reveals novel genetic mutations of Helicobacter pylori associating with resistance to clarithromycin and levofloxacin. Helicobacter 2023 [in press] (impact factor 4.3) *co-corresponding authorship
- Ng HY, Leung WK,* Cheung KS.* Association between gut microbiota and SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccine immunogenicity. Microorganisms 2023;11:452 (impact factor 4.1)
*co-corresponding authorship - Lyu Tao,* Cheung KS,* Ni L, et al. High prevalence and risk factors of multiple antibiotic resistance in patients who fail first-line Helicobacter pylori therapy in southern China: a municipality-wide multi-center, prospective cohort study. J Antimicrob Chemother 2020;75:3391-3394 (impact factor 3.9) *co-first authorship
- Cheung KS, Leung WK. Long-term use of proton-pump inhibitors and risk of gastric cancer: a review of the current evidence. Therap Adv Gastroenterol 2019;12:1756284819834511 (impact factor 3.9)
- Lam LK, Tan JT, Ooi PH …, Yuen MF,* Cheung KS.* Effect of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver diesase on BNT162b2 immunogenicity against SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2024 [in press] (impact factor 3.7) *co-corresponding authorship
- Tan JT, Cheung CL, Cheung KS.* Relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection, osteoporosis and fracture. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2024 [in press] (impact factor 3.7) *corresponding authorship
- Cheung KS,* Yan VKC,* Ye X, et al. Proton pump inhibitors assocaited with severe COVID-19 among two-dose but not three-dose vaccine recipients. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2024 [in press] (impact factor 3.7) *co-first authorship
- Cheung KS. Big data approach in the field of gastric and colorectal cancer research. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2024 [in press] (impact factor 3.7)
- Cheung KS, Chan EW, Wong AYS, et al. Statins were associated with a reduced gastric cancer risk in patients with eradicated Helicobacter pylori infection: a territory-wide propensity score matched study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2020;29:493-499 (impact factor 3.7)
- Cheung KS, Chen L, Seto WK, et al. Epidemiology, characteristics and survival of post-colonoscopy colorectal cancer in Asia: a population-based study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2019;34:1545-1553 (impact factor 3.7)
- Cheung KS, Chung KL, Leung WK. Chemopreventive effect of metformin on gastric cancer development. Gut Liver 2022;16:147-156 (impact factor 3.4)
- Cheung KS,* Mok CH,* Lam LK, et al. Carvedilol versus other non-selective beta blockers on variceal bleeding prophylaxis and death: a network meta-analysis. J Clin Transl Hepatol 2023 [in press] (impact factor 3.1) *co-first authorship
- Cheung KS*, Mak LY, Liu SH, Cheng HM, Seto WK, Yuen MF, Lai CL.* Entecavir vs tenofovir in hepatocellular carcinoma presentation in chronic hepatitis B infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Transl Gastroenterol 2020;11:e00236 (impact factor 3) *co-corresponding authorship
- Cheung KS, Seto WK, Fung J, et al. Prognostic Factors for Transplant-Free Survival and Validation of Prognostic Models in Chinese Patients with Primary Biliary Cholangitis Receiving Ursodeoxycholic Acid. Clin Transl Gastroenterol 2017;8:e100 (impact factor 3)
- Cheung KS, Seto WK, Fung J, et al. Epidemiology and Natural History of Primary Biliary Cholangitis in the Chinese: A Territory-Based Study in Hong Kong between 2000 and 2015. Clin Transl Gastroenterol 2017;8:e116 (impact factor 3)
- Cheung KS,* Yeung YWM,* Wong WS,* et al. Statins associate with lower risk of biliary tract cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Med 2023;12:557-568 (impact factor 2.9) * co-first authorship
- Cheung KS, Chan EW, Tam A et al. Association between antibiotic consumption and colon and rectal cancer development in older individuals: a territory-wide study. Cancer Med 2022;11:3863-3872 (impact factor 2.9)
- Cheung KS, Leung WK. Risk of gastric cancer development after eradication of Helicobacter pylori. World J Gastrointest Oncol 2018;10:115-123 (impact factor 2.5)
- Cheung KS, Seto WK, Wong DK, et al. Relationship between HBsAg, HBcrAg and hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with undetectable HBV DNA under nucleos(t)ide therapy. J Viral Hepat 2017;24:654-661 (impact factor 2.5)
Awards and Prizes 獎項及殊榮
- Best Abstract Presentation Prize in the Abstract Session: Dyspepsia and H. pylori, United European Gastroenterology Week (2024)
- Travel Grant Award for oral presentation, United European Gastroenterology Week (2024)
- Asia Pacific Digestive Week Federation / Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation (APDWF-JGHF) Emerging Leader Lecture (2023)
- Best Abstract Award in Clinical Medicine in 28th Medical Research Conference (oral presentation), The University of Hong Kong (2023)
- Distinguished Research Paper Award for Young Investigator, Hong Kong College of Physicians (2022)
- Travel Grant Award for moderate poster presentation, United European Gastroenterology Week (2022)
- National Scholar Award for United European Gastroenterology Week (2021)
- Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award, The University of Hong Kong (2021)
- Distinguished Research Paper Award for Young Investigator, Hong Kong College of Physicians (2021)
- Best Abstract Award in Clinical Medicine in 26th Medical Research Conference (eposter presentation), The University of Hong Kong (2021)
- Clinical Research Fellowship programme, Research Grant Council, The Government of HKSAR (2020/2021)
- Distinguished Research Paper Award for Young Investigator, Hong Kong College of Physicians (2020)
- Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award, The University of Hong Kong (2020)
- Best Abstract Award in Clinical Medicine in 25th Medical Research Conference (oral presentation), The University of Hong Kong (2020)
- Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award, The University of Hong Kong (2019)
- Travel Grant Award for oral abstract presentation, United European Gastroenterology Week (2019)
- Distinguished Research Paper Award for Young Investigator, Hong Kong College of Physicians (2019)
- Best Abstract Award in Clinical Medicine in 24th Medical Research Conference (oral presentation), The University of Hong Kong (2019)
- Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award, The University of Hong Kong (2018)
- Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award, The University of Hong Kong (2018)
- Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Postgraduate Scholarship (2018-2019)
- Distinguished Research Paper Award for Young Investigator (with Gold Medal Award), Hong Kong College of Physicians (2018)
- Best Poster Award, Silver Prize in 9th Asian-Pacific Topic Conference (2018)
- Best Abstract Award in Clinical Medicine in 23rd Medical Research Conference (oral presentation), The University of Hong Kong (2018)
- APDWF / JGHF Young Investigator’s Award, Asian Pacific Digestive Week (2017)
- Professor Anthony Hedley Prize in Public Health for highest place in Master of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong (2016)
- Distinction for both written exam and thesis in Master of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong (2016)
- Best Thesis Award for Exit Assessment Dissertations, Hong Kong College of Physicians (2015)
Research grants as principal investigator 作為首席研究員的研究資金
- Innovation and Technology Fund, Innovation and Technology Commission, The Government of HKSAR, 2024 (Ref no: ITS/276/22; HKD $1,200,000)
- Health and Medical Research Fund, Commissioned Research on the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), Food and Health Bureau, The Government of HKSAR, 2021 (Commissioned Research on the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (Ref no: COVID1903010; HKD $1,990,000)
- General Research Fund, Research Grant Council, The Government of HKSAR, 2021/2022 (Ref no: 17109321; HKD $1,125,732)
- Health and Medical Research Fund, Food and Health Bureau, The Government of HKSAR, 2021 (Ref no: 18191921; HKD $958,936)
- General Research Fund & Clinical Research Fellowship Programme, Research Grant Council, The Government of HKSAR, 2020/2021 (Ref no: 17110420; HKD $2,093,053)
- Health and Medical Research Fund, Food and Health Bureau, The Government of HKSAR, 2019 (Ref no: 16173001; HKD 538,982)
- Department Strategic Research Fund, 2023 (HKD $660,000)
- Start-up Fund, The University of Hong Kong, 2019 (HKD $1,850,000)
- Seed Fund for Basic Research, the University of Hong Kong, 2022 (HKD $143,000)
- Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2026 Development Fund, the University of Hong Kong (HKD $100,000)
- Seed Fund for Basic Research, the University of Hong Kong, 2023 (HKD $93,040)
- Seed Fund for Basic Research for Resubmission of GRF/ECS Proposals, the University of Hong Kong, 2022 (HKD $69,400)
- Seed Fund for Basic Research for Resubmission of GRF/ECS Proposals 2024/2025, the University of Hong Kong (HKD $54,700)
- URC Seed Funding for Basic Research for New Staff, the University of Hong Kong (Ref no: 201904185020; HKD $150,000)
- Young Investigator Research Grant, Hong Kong College of Physicians, 2024 (HKD $80,000)
- Young Investigator Research Grant, Hong Kong College of Physicians, 2023 (HKD $80,000)
- Young Investigator Research Grant, Hong Kong College of Physicians, 2022 (HKD $80,000)
- Young Investigator Research Grant, Hong Kong College of Physicians, 2021 (HKD $50,000)
- Young Investigator Research Grant, Hong Kong College of Physicians, 2020 (HKD $50,000)
- Young Investigator Research Grant, Hong Kong College of Physicians, 2018 (HKD $50,000)
- Young Investigator Research Grant, Hong Kong College of Physicians, 2016 (HKD $50,000)