Professor LAM Chi Leung, David

Chief of Respiratory Medicine Division
Clinical Associate Professor
Honorary Consultant, Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital.
Honorary Consultant, Department of Medicine, HKU-Shenzhen Hospital
- MBBS (HK), BSc(BiomedSc) (HK), MD (HK), PhD (HK), MRCP (UK), FHKCP, FHKAM (Medicine), FRCP (Edin, Glasg & Lond), | |
2255-6208 | |
HKU Scholar Hub |
Prof David CL Lam is a respiratory physician with interest in translational research and clinical trials in respiratory diseases including lung cancer, smoking and airway physiology, COPD and interventional pulmonology. His research focuses on translational research with biomarkers in lung cancer and airway.
In his research laboratory, new lung cancer organoids and immortalized normal bronchial epithelial cell lines representing local Chinese population are established and characterized, and they are being used as cellular models for translational research on lung cancer, smoking and airway physiology research. Plasma EGFR mutations and circulating tumor markers are studied.
He also performs bronchoscopy including endobronchial ultrasonography and autofluorescence imaging. He is currently in the International Lung Screening Trial (ILST) Consortium, steering lung screening and relevant biomaker research.
In his research laboratory, new lung cancer organoids and immortalized normal bronchial epithelial cell lines representing local Chinese population are established and characterized, and they are being used as cellular models for translational research on lung cancer, smoking and airway physiology research. Plasma EGFR mutations and circulating tumor markers are studied.
He also performs bronchoscopy including endobronchial ultrasonography and autofluorescence imaging. He is currently in the International Lung Screening Trial (ILST) Consortium, steering lung screening and relevant biomaker research.
Selected Publications
- Kwok HH, Li H, Yang J, Deng J, Lee NC, Au TW, Sit AK, Hsin MK, Ma SK, Cheung LW, Girard L, Fujimoto J, Wistuba II, Gao B, Minna JD, Lam DC. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis uncovers intratumoral heterogeneity and drug-tolerant persister in ALK-rearranged lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Communications (Lond). 2023 Aug 4; 43(8):951-955. .
- Lam DC, Liam CK, Andarini S, Park S, Tan DSW, Singh N, Jang SH, Vardhanabhuti V, Ramos AB, Nakayama T, Nhung NV, Ashizawa K, Chang YC, Tscheikuna J, Van CC, Chan WY, Lai YH, Yang PC. Lung Cancer Screening in Asia: An Expert Consensus Report. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2023 Jun 28:S1556-0864(23)00635-4.
- Berg CD, Schiller JH, Boffetta P, Cai J, Connolly C, Kerpel-Fronius A, Kitts AB, Lam DCL, Mohan A, Myers R, Suri T, Tammemagi MC, Yang D, Lam S; International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Early Detection and Screening Committee. Air Pollution and Lung Cancer: A Review by International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Early Detection and Screening Committee. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2023 Jun 3:S1556-0864(23)00601-9.
- Tammemägi MC, Ruparel M, Tremblay A, Myers R, Mayo J, Yee J, Atkar-Khattra S, Yuan R, Cressman S, English J, Bedard E, MacEachern P, Burrowes P, Quaife SL, Marshall H, Yang I, Bowman R, Passmore L, McWilliams A, Brims F, Lim KP, Mo L, Melsom S, Saffar B, Teh M, Sheehan R, Kuok Y, Manser R, Irving L, Steinfort D, McCusker M, Pascoe D, Fogarty P, Stone E, Lam DCL, Ng MY, Vardhanabhuti V, Berg CD, Hung RJ, Janes SM, Fong K, Lam S. USPSTF2013 versus PLCOm2012 lung cancer screening eligibility criteria (International Lung Screening Trial): interim analysis of a prospective cohort study. Lancet Oncol. 2021 Dec 10:S1470-2045(21)00590-8.
- Kwok HH, Gao B, KH Chan, Ip MS, Minna JD, Lam DC. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha 7 mediates cigarette smoke-induced PD-L1 expression in human bronchial epithelial cells. Cancers 2021 Oct 25;13(21):5345.
- Ho GYF, Wang T, Kwok HH, Rasul R, Peila R, Guzman M, Ip MSM, Lam DCL. Longitudinal multi-gene panel assessment of circulating tumor DNA revealed tumor burden and molecular characteristics along treatment course of non-small cell lung cancer. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020 Oct; 9(5):1873-1884.
- Luo SY, Kwok HH, Yang PC, Ip MS, Minna JD, Lam DC. Expression of large tumour suppressor (LATS) kinases modulates chemotherapy response in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Translational Lung Cancer Research 2020 Apr; 9(2): 294-305.
- Kwok HH, Ning Z, Chong PW, Wan TS, Ng MH, Ho GY, Ip MS, Lam DC. Transfer of extracellular vesicle-associated-RNAs induces drug resistance in ALK-translocated lung adenocarcinoma. Cancers 2019; Jan 17;11(1). pii: E104.
- Kwok WC, Liang BM, Lui MM, Tam TC, Sim JP, Tse EW, Leung AY, Kwong YL, Lie AK, Ip MS, Lam DC. Rapid versus gradual lung function decline in bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation is associated with survival outcome. Respirology 2019 Jan 20.(May; 24(5):459-466)
- Muruganandani S, Azzopardi M, Fitzgerald DB, Shrestha R, Kwan BCH, Lam DCL, de Chaneet CC, Rashid Ali MRS, Yap E, Tobin CL, Garske LA, Nguyen PT, Stanley C, Popowicz ND, Kosky C, Thomas R, Read CA, Budgeon CA, Feller-Kopman D, Maskell NA, Murray K, Lee YCG. Aggressive versus Symptom-guided Drainage of Malignant Pleural Effusion via Indwelling Pleural Catheters: The Australasian Malignant Pleural Effusion (AMPLE) Trial-2 randomized clinical trial. Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2018 Sep;6(9):671-680.
- Chan HS, Ko FK, Chan JW, So LK, Lam DC, Chan VL, Tam CY, Yu WC. Co-morbidities, mortality and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients who required admissions to public hospitals in Hong Kong – computerized data collection and analysis. International Journal of COPD 2018; Jun 13; 13: 1913-1925.
- Man KM, Tian Z, Lam DC, Wan JM, Tan-Un KC. Satisfaction, preference and error occurrence of three dry powder inhalers as assessed by a cohort naïve to inhaler operation. International Journal of COPD 2018; Jun 15; 13: 1949-1963.
- Lam DCL, Kwok HH, Yu WC, Ko FW, Tam CY, Lau AC, Fong DY, Ip MS. Serum CC16 levels correlates with smoking-related lung function decline. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2018 Mar 16;18(1):47.
- Thomas R, Fysh ETH, Smith NA, Lee P, Kwan BCH, Yap E, Horwood FC, Piccolo F, Lam DCL, Garske LA, Shrestha R, Kosky C, Read CA, Murray K, Lee YCG. Effect of an Indwelling Pleural Catheter vs Talc Pleurodesis on Hospitalization Days in Patients with Malignant Pleural Effusion: The AMPLE Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2017 Nov 21;318(19):1903-1912.
- Lam DC, Fu KH, Luo SY, Lui MS, Chan KH, Wistuba II, Gao B, Tsao SW, Ip MS, Minna JD. Expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit genes in bronchial epithelium correlates with lung function. American Journal of Physiology – Lung Cell and Molecular Physiology 2015; Nov 25:ajplung.00101.2015.
- Lam DC, Chan SC, Mak JC, Freeman C, Ip MSM, Shum DK. S-maltoheptaose targets syndecan-bound effectors to reduce smoking-related neutrophilic inflammation. Scientific Reports 2015 Aug; 10; 5: 12945.
- Lam DC, Tam TC, Lau KM, Wong WM, Hui CK, Lam JC, Wang JK, Lui MM, Ho JC, Ip MS. EGFR Array for diagnostic detection of plasmaEGFRmutation and association with survival outcomes in advanced stage lung cancer patients. Clinical Lung Cancer 2015 Nov;16(6):507-13.
- Lam DC, Luo SY, Deng W, Cheung AL, Cheng GH, Lin CH, Sham PC, Wan TS, Tsao SW. Oncogenic mutation profiling in new lung cancer and mesothelioma cell lines. Journal of OncoTargets and Therapy 2015; 8: 195 – 209.
- Luo SY, Sit AK, Sihoe AD, Suen WS, Au WK, Tang X, Ma ES, Chan WK, Wistuba II, Minna JD, Tsao SW, Lam DC. Aberrant Large Tumor Suppressor 2 (LATS2) gene expression correlates with EGFR mutation and survival in lung adenocarcinomas. Lung Cancer 2014; 85(2): 282 - 292
- Tam TC, Ho JC, Wong MK, Wong WM, Wang JK, Lam JC, Lui MM, Lam WK, Ip MS, Lam DC. Treatment Outcomes in Elderly with Advanced-stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. LUNG 2013; 191(6):645-654.
- Cooper W, Lam DC, O’Toole S, Minna JD. Oncogenes and Tumor suppressor hallmarks in lung cancer. J Thoracic Disease 2013; 5(Suppl 5): S479-490.
- Yam I, Lam DC, Chan K, Chung-Man Ho J, Ip M, Lam WK, Chan TK, Chan V. EGFR array: uses in the detection of plasma EGFR mutations in non-small cell lung cancer patients. J Thorac Oncol. 2012 Jul; 7(7):1131-40.
- Lam DC, Fong DYT, Yu WC, Ko FW, Lau AC, Chan JW, Choo KL, Mok TY, Tam CY, Ip MSM, Chan-yeung M. FEV3, FEV6 and their derivatives for detecting airflow obstruction in adult Chinese. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2012 May;16(5):681-6.
- Lam DC, Lam B, Wong MKY, Lu C, Au WY, Tse EWC, Leung AYH, Kwong YL, Liang RHS, Lam WK, Ip MSM, Lie AKW. Effects of Azithromycin in bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation – a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled study. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2011; 46 (12): 1551 – 56.
- Lam DCL, Xu A, Lam KSL, Lam B, Lam JCM, Lui MMS, Ip MSM. Serum A-FABP level is elevated in severe OSA and correlates with insulin resistance. European Respiratory Journal 2009; 33(2): 346-51.
- Lam DCL, Girard L, Ramirez R, Chau WS, Suen WS, Sheridan S, Tin VPC, Chung LP, Wong MP, Shay JW, Gazdar AF, Lam WK, Minna JD. Expression of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subunit Genes showed difference in expression pattern in smokers and non-smokers. Cancer Research 2007; 67(10): 4638 – 47.
- Lam DC, Girard L, Suen WS, Chung LP, Tin VP, Lam WK, Minna JD, Wong MP. Establishment and Expression Profiling of New Primary Lung Cancer Cell Lines from Chinese Smokers and Life-time Never-Smokers. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2006; 1(9): 932 – 942.
Grant Record
- Hong Kong SK Yee Medical Foundation in 2010, 2012 and 2017
- Hong Kong Pneumoconiosis Compensation Fund Board 2013
- University of Hong Kong Teaching Development Grant 2013
- Hong Kong SAR Government Health and Medical Research Fund 2014
- Terry Fox Research Institute, Research project on International Lung Screening Trial, 2018
- Li Shu Pui Medical Research Grant, 2021
For Research Merits
For Outstanding achievements in Teaching
- First Fellow in Genetics and Genomics (Medicine), Hong Kong College of Physicians, 2023
- Hong Kong Lung Foundation Donald Yu Lecture 2023
- APSR Woolcock Research Award, Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR), 2021
- Tohoku Medical Society Medal, Tohoku Medical Society, Tohoku University, Japan, 2019
- Sir Patrick Manson Gold Medal, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU, 2014
- AACR ITO-EN Ltd Scholar-in-training Award, American Association of Cancer Research (AACR), 2005
- Young Investigator Award, Japanese Respiratory Society (JRS), 2005
- Young Investigator Award (Cancer – Basic Science Group), Medical Research Conference, Medical Science Group, HKU, 2004
- Young Investigator Award, The International Association on Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), 2003
- Young Investigator Award, Hong Kong Thoracic Society (HKTS), 2002
For Outstanding achievements in Teaching
- Faculty Teaching Medal, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU, 2013
Key Offices
- President (2023 – present), Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS)
- Immediate Past President (2023 – present), Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
- Head-elect (2021 – present), Lung Cancer Assembly, Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
- Committee member (2019 – present), Early Detection and Screening Committee, International Association for Study of Lung Cancer
- Honorary Secretary, the Hong Kong Lung Foundation
- Medical Advisor, the Hong Kong Asthma Society