In 2020, the Department received a generous donation from the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital to establish the Li Shu Fan Medical Fellowship for Internal Medicine and the Li Shu Fan Master of Research in Medicine Scholarship.
The LSF Medical Fellowship for Internal Medicine aims to provide highly selected Hospital Authority (HA) colleagues with the supervision and research opportunities needed before taking on an academic career in a research intense environment. Residents or resident specialists, who are clinically competent in their subspecialties and are determined to pursue an academic career, are encouraged to apply for this Fellowship.
The LSF MRes[Med] Scholarship aims to encourage MBBS III students to engage in academic research during their enrichment year and to provide experienced clinical professoriates the incentive to nurture these students. A total of 8 MBBS MRes[Med] students had been awarded for the Scholarship during 2020 – 2022.