
Patient care services are based at Queen Mary Hospital (QMH), Fung Yiu King Hospital (FYKH), Grantham Hospital (GH) and the Hong Kong West Community Geriatrics Service. In QMH, the acute geriatric beds are located in the general medical wards. Through a multi-dimensional assessment, elderly patients are screened out for multi-disciplinary geriatric management. The beds under the Comprehensive Care Programme for Elderly (CCPE) are located in two designated medical wards. Older patients at high risk of hospital readmission are recruited from A&E Department to the CCPE beds where protocol-based care and discharge planning takes place. Under the Integrated Care and Discharge Support (ICDS) and Integrated Discharge Support Programme (IDSP) program, high risk elderly patients during their admission to medical wards are also screened in order to provide for a well-coordinated discharge planning and community support service.

Fung Yiu King Hospital provides convalescent, rehabilitation and infirmary services. A geriatric day hospital has been in operation since January 1996. Grantham Hospital provides geriatric subacute and rehabilitation services for geriatric patients.

A geriatrician-led multi-disciplinary Community Geriatric Assessment Service serves the Central & Western and Southern Districts of Hong Kong Island. It provides specialist outreach geriatric assessment and old case follow-up for the residents in the Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHE) in these districts.

Collaborative service network and support to Family Medicine doctors, visiting medical officers in old aged home, community nursing services and local non-government organizations (NGOs) have been established in the Hong Kong West Hospital Cluster. Health promotion community programmes with health talk, exhibition and screening are also held regularly, in collaboration with community elderly centres and District Board.

Specialist Outpatient Clinics

The Specialist Outpatient Clinic at Queen Mary Hospital accepts appointments with referral letters for elderly patients in the catchment area of the Hong Kong West Cluster. Non-HK residents will be charged appropriate fees set by the Hospital. There are NO walk-in service available, all cases are by appointment only.

Clinic Day Time Location
Falls Monday 9:00 a.m. S6 - QMH
Geriatrics Tuesday 9:00 a.m. S6 - QMH
Memory Clinic Tuesday 2:00 p.m. S6 - QMH
Memory Clinic Thursday 9:00 a.m. S6 - QMH
Memory Clinic Friday 2:00 p.m. S6 - QMH