Internationally recognized landmark discoveries from the Infectious Diseases Division include, pioneering the application of topical TLR7 agonist imiquimod before intradermal influenza vaccination, which resulted in significantly higher and sustained antibody response, with protection against heterologous non-vaccine and antigenically drifted viruses; first to prove convalescent plasma and hyperimmune-IVIG reduced mortality, viral load and cytokine/ chemokine reaction in patients with severe influenza infection in a prospective cohort and a double-blind randomized controlled trial respectively; first to prove that clarithromycin, naproxen and oseltamivir combination reduce mortality and emergence of resistant quasispecies in the treatment of severe influenza infection; first to correlate disease severity with viral load from various specimens in SARS patients; first to demonstrate the potential toxicity and drug-drug interaction of colchicine with clarithromycin in a large case series.

These research findings have been published in top academic journals including the Lancet Infectious Diseases, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Chest and Vaccine.